Sunday, November 2, 2014

BEGINNING WITH CHRIST l Assurance of Answered Prayer l Step Two l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch

“Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My Name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be 
full” (John 16:24). 

What is prayer? The dictionary says it is approaching God in word or thought, often with an 
earnest entreaty. Webster says it consists of adoration, confession, supplication or thanksgiving. I 
would add intercession; going to God on behalf of others. 

Why is it easier for some people to pray than it is for others? I know some who find such joy in 
prayer they can hardly bring themselves to do anything else. I met two people like this when I 
was in my first assignment with the Navigators. 

I had been involved with the group for some years before, but now I was on my own. I was in 
Pittsburgh carrying on a campus ministry. I was living with a young minister, Rev. Ken Smith, 
and we would stop by the home of these two elderly sisters to take them to church. I soon 
became aware of a very strange thing. 

In their conversation on the way to church it seemed to me that they spent most of their time in 
prayer. The more I got to know them the more I realized that was, in fact, the case. They would 
spend the morning in prayer. After they had lunch on the stove they would pray until it was 
cooked. After lunch they would pray until suppertime, cook supper, and then pray until time to 
retire for the night. 

It was amazing. You couldn't keep them off their knees. They found such joy and fulfillment in 
entering into the presence of the Lord. 
 Now I know others who are mightily used of God, but who do not have the same victory in 
prayer. Oh, they pray, but it is not their strong point. Some find joy in teaching the Word, others 
in witnessing, others in some sort of service behind the scenes. When they discuss prayer they 
deplore their prayer life. They pray, but it is a struggle. What's the answer to that? Frankly, I 
think there must be some people among us in the body of Christ who are specifically called to 
pray. It is their life. 

But it is also evident in the Word of God that all of us are commanded to pray. Our calling may 
be to evangelize or to serve or whatever. But mark this: none of it will be productive if we ignore 
prayer. Prayer must undergird all we do. 

Jesus said to pray in His name. He is our mediator, our only way to God. And when we do God 
will fulfill our joy. Prayer is one of the keys to a joyful Christian life. 

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